Destination Imagination

We Do DI

BTS of a commercial shoot for an international creative problem-solving competition for K-12 students.

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Video Project Outline

We spent a week in Kansas City creating a video for Destination Imagination (DI)- a creative problem-solving competition for pre-K, K-12 and university students. The program sees students working together in teams to solve open-ended STEAM challenges designed to teach the creative process.

We attended their week-long Global Finals 2022 event, which is the culminating tournament for Destination Imagination teams that advance through Regional and Affiliate Tournaments around the world.

We sat down with several leaders of the organization only a few weeks before the tournament, and we presented a challenge: attend Global Finals 2022 to develop, script, cast, and film a commercial - all within the seven days the event took place.

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how we've approached the challenge so far.

Backstage with VideoPunk

Watch our Behind-the-Scenes video to get a glimpse of life on set.

The View On Set

View what it's like behind-the-scenes with VideoPunk.

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Our Favorite Shots

Selected video stills exported from the final video.

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